Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 5- 10

Tuesday I was in the office from 12:30 to 4:30. I had to go through and read all the contracts we have with our group and find out which ones had tables in their contracts. With tables they will have information tables on the concourse for which they would have employees come to the game and give out information on their company. I had to make a list so i could make a book for these tables.

Total hours: 4 hours

Thursday I was working from 2:30 to 5:30 I had to finish making the table book. I had to make signs for every table that we have this season and as many as it said in the contract. we had over 30 companies that have tables this season and all of them have tables at more then one game.

Total Hours: 3 hours

Saturday we had a promotion at M & M Leather. I have to be there at 10:30 to help setup for the promotion that starts at 11:00. Once we had the table set up we had the FirAntz Dance Team to run it. After the girls got there I went back to the office with and start working on things there. I was making bags for our teacher that are helping with Blades for Grades program. In these bags we had a t-shirt, post of Chad Collins, a program book about the FireAntz, and a pocket schedule. Once i finished with that I put together bookmarks to give to teacher for their students. I was there until 2:30.

Total Hours: 4 hours

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